A Veteran’s Day Prayer for the Military and Their Families

Plus, Bestselling Author Ana Werner on "It’s Supernatural!"
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Father, we put on Your armor and stand against the forces of darkness that are scheming to steal, kill, and destroy the freedom we enjoy as a nation.

Thank You for the men and women who lay down their lives for our country.

The conflicts our armed forces are facing are life-and-death situations. Thank You for the military officers and commanders who lean not unto their own understanding but acknowledge You in all their ways. Give them Your wisdom as they lead the men and women under their command, and help them make decisions in conformity with Your will.

Lord, we petition the courts of heaven for a strong military who is ready to defend freedom and those rights You have granted to mankind. We pray they will be instruments of righteousness defeating the plans of the devil while pursuing wholesome relationships with all nations. During a time of conflict, protect our soldiers, and be their constant companion and strength in battle, their refuge in every adversity. We pray for their safe return.

Jesus, thank You for giving Your life so men could be free, and now we pray that we may live to make men free, “while God is marching on.” May we all pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding, in the name of Jesus.

We bear upon our shoulders our…

Lift Your Prayers!

Prayers That Avail Much For America
Germaine Copeland

God still has a grand destiny for America. As Christians align their prayers with His vision, we will begin to see this broken country mended. This call is for all believers—not just “intercessors.”

Germaine Copeland, author of the bestselling series Prayers that Avail Much, offers this timely, easy-to use guide to praying for our country. In her signature style, Germaine provides topical breakthrough prayers that you can pray over the United States for healing, restoration, protection, and Great Awakening!

Christians cannot sit idly by while the nation crumbles. Lift your voice to Heaven, and appeal for healing for America!

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Prayers That Avail Much for America
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From the Community
Service to Your Country
Danny Silk | DestinyImage.com
“The dream that God gives us is not for us, it is to flow into the masses.”

Danny Silk: George Washington’s example of selfless service for America should inspire each of us to use our God-given abilities and dreams for the sake of our nation.

Seeing Behind the Veil
Ana Werner | It’s Supernatural!
Seer Ana Werner has gone to heaven many times, and she’s learned how the spirit world operates. Can you imagine seeing the unseen cause of trouble? Now imagine how much victory is yours!
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