Today’s Word with Joel & Victoria

What are you letting arise in your life? In other words, what are you focusing your words, energy and thoughts on? You might say

Joel Osteen Ministries
Today's Word with Joel and Victoria
Today’s Scripture
“Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered…”
(Psalm 68:1, NKJV)
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Scatter Your Enemies
What are you letting arise in your life? In other words, what are you focusing your words, energy and thoughts on? You might say, “Oh, it’s just so hard right now. My finances are tight.” “My health doesn’t look good.” “Somebody walked out on me.” No, you’re focusing on the wrong things. You’re letting defeat, discouragement and self-pity rise up. Why don’t you turn that around and say, “God is still in control. Somebody may have walked out on me, but I know God is going to bring me somebody better.” “I may be hurting right now, but I know God is the restorer of my soul.” “I may have an unexpected debt, but I know God is my provider. He is supplying all of my needs. He is fighting my battles.”

When you give God glory and let Him arise in your life, you can’t stay defeated. No foe can stand against you in the presence of Almighty God. Your enemies will be scattered! They will tremble at your words of faith! Let God arise and embrace the blessing and victory He has prepared for you!

A Prayer for Today
“Father, right now I release any negative, self-defeating thoughts or attitudes. Instead, I choose to let God arise in my life. I declare that You are worthy, You are holy, and You are the center of my joy, peace and strength in Jesus’ name. Amen.”
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